How to manage anxiety & stress during a pandemic.

Posted by: kalsoom Batool | Dated: 06/10/2020


Panic or Anxiety attack…is there any difference between them ?
Different people choose different labels to explain things. Some people use the term of anxiety attack as less intense less body sensation compared to panic attack, some describe it as same. Panic is related to fear more certain imminent threats, while anxiety is related to worry more distant uncertain threats.
Panic or anxiety attack can impact anyone’s life, weather it’s a highly qualified dr. or a CEO, a student or a stay at home mom, panic or anxiety doesn’t discriminate. Almost 1 in 3 people experience panic attack some time in their lifetime. The good news is that scientific research has proven that panic is the most treatable issue. As _ Albert Einstein said “ if I’m given an hour to save the world. I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute solving it.”
This is what exactly happens with panic, as soon you discover yourself & have an accurate understanding what’s happening to you what really works in your life and what’s keeping you away from a normal life, surprisingly the solution will appear.
The “Term Panic Attack” not only mislead but makes it more difficult to recover. Words carry a lot of power they can mislead us deceive us can send us to a wrong path Or they can illuminate the deeper truth and show us where to go. Panic attack is absolutely not an attack, that phrase is totally misleading can create a mindset that would make it really hard to treat a panic. If you really want to name It is an innocent , over protected mistake.
There are two kind of alarm systems in our body under-sensitive or over-sensitive alarm system. Panic or anxiety is nothing more than our over sensitive over protecting false alarm… for our safety. It’s a mistake of our mind’s number one priority is to keep us safe. It’s an over sensitive indication, Better safe than sorry, as panic attack is just an over protective mistake. The only problem which is a big one that it’s a terrifying mistake, that leaves us exposed , vulnerable and unsafe. Even though no one dies from panic attack or panic attack can make no one truly crazy but it creates a very strong illusion that this could happen…The panic attack is a false alarm to protect you against a danger and the reason why it’s so scary and horrible because, the false alarm sounds same as real alarm.
The confusion and uncertainty can make everything even more alarming. That’s why it’s important to know that all the fear, terrifying situation panic creates is false and scientific research has proven that panic attack can’t really harm you once you really learn and accept this reality , it can help you overcome anxiety or panic.
There’s a very simple example to explain this, since anxiety creates sensation and makes every heart beat faster, if something happens in our life which is fearful and anxious naturally our heart will speed up. Again this is a completely natural and a healthy response we all have. But if someone is scared of having fasten heart beat then every time they get anxious for whatever reason the body sensation increases the anxiety pattern and the vicious harmless false alarm of panic starts. To avoid all this situation every sensible person would fight back to panic, but unfortunately trying to fight panic backfires and what we resist not only persists becomes more stronger more resilient more intense towards body resistance.
The best way to deal this unseen monster is “not to fight back panic or anxiety alarms”. this might seem unrealistic but that’s one of the best solutions explained by scientists since decades and is the most effective strategy to avoid panic permanently is “utterly accept it, float through it and let time pass “ until it goes away. Don’t count days, weeks because acceptance takes Time & Practice, even if you try it takes two months to “ desensitise the body”.
Second best approach is to handle panic is rather than fighting back panic let it stay unless it diminishes itself, for example if you try to force yourself to fall asleep, you found yourself being more awake, or tried so hard to forget something instead ending up thinking about it even more ? That’s why when someone feels panic alarm they should let the process move naturally. That’s why when a person dealing with anxiety or panic is asked to change his negative thoughts into positive thoughts he is the most misunderstood person. Because changing negative thoughts into positive isn’t a permanent solution. We can automatically prevent future panic alarms by changing the the panic pattern, avoid the environment that causes the panic, to accept it and cope with it.
Despite all this understanding, the uncertainties we are facing these days are quite challenging for everyone, especially for parents. So let’s have a look at some common exercises to reduce anxiety or panic in our every day life. First of all be strong and remind yourself that you will be ok. These feelings are temporary, anxiety does not own you. Do meditation more regularly, focus on slowing your breathing. Try to sit up straight, breathe in slowly through your nose and exhale through your mouth. It might help to close your eyes, Continue to breath purposefully. Try to focus on something that brings you pleasure. Play some game, sip on something warm. Call a loved one and remember you are never alone. Don’t worry about the past, present or future. You are more than your anxiety, you are going to be okay.💫
Kalsoom B. kazmi.